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Your operating system should be OS X 10.9 Mavericks, with Xcode installed (we need the command line tools). You can download and install Xcode from Mac App Store if needed. Preinstalled Ruby is also needed for the next step.
Bash profile setup
We need to edit the PATH
definition in bash profile in order to make sure, that stuff installed via Homebrew will take precedence over preinstalled stuff. Open Terminal and let’s start (Note: I have created a symlink sublime
which enables me to open my favorite text editor Sublime Text from Terminal).
# Navigate to your home directory
# List files to see, if the .bash_profile already exists
ls -a
# If not, you can create it by
touch ~/.bash_profile
# Open .bash_profile in editor (some might even use Vim!)
sublime ~/.bash_profile
Add the following to your .bash_profile
and save it.
# Ensure user-installed binaries take precedence
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
# Load .bashrc if it exists
test -f ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
Since these directives take effect only on the next login, let’s source the file to make them count in the current session. In Terminal type
. ~/.bash_profile
There we go, all set!
Installing Homebrew
Homebrew is extremely handy package manager for OS X, which enables you to install, update and uninstall vast selection of mostly command-line tools by using its formulae. Definitely a must have!
In Terminal run the command
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Follow the instructions the script is giving and enter your administror’s password when asked. After the installation is complete, let’s see that everything is in working order. Run the following command
brew doctor
If all is good, let’s make sure we are running the latest versions. This command will update Homebrew itself and all the formulae.
brew update
Now you can check if tehere are any outdated installations
brew outdated
If there are, and you want to update them, run
brew upgrade
# If you want to update just a specific install, define formula, e.g.
brew upgrade python
Excellent, we are now ready to move to our next phase!
Installing Python
Python has two active versions Python 2 and Python 3, latest versions being 2.7.8 and 3.4.1 respectively at the time of writing. You can read more on the versions from official wiki. To install run the following Homebrew formula in Terminal
brew install python
# If you want to install Python 3, run
brew install python3
You can actually install both, if you need to.
These Homebrew formulae contain necessary Python package management tools Pip and Setuptools, out of which I like to use Pip. We can now start to install Python packages. Let’s start with the most important.
Installing and setting up virtualenv
Virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. With virtualenv you can have numerous differently configured development environments. Need for this may arise for example from a need to have different version of certain package, or completely different package configuraion. Virtualenv makes this very easy.
The following command installs virtualenv globally
pip install virtualenv
Let’s create some work directories
# I have directory called Devs in my home directory for all the dev stuff, lets go in there
cd Devs
# Directory for our virtualenvs
mkdir -p ~/Virtualenvs
# Diretory for our Python projects
mkdir -p ~/PythonProjects
Let’s create our first virtual environment, named demo
# Lets go to correct directory
cd ~/Devs/Virtualenvs
virtualenv demo
# To create Python 3 based environment
virtualenv -p python3 demo
Making life easier with Pip restrictions
Managing Python packages with many virtual environments can become a pain. When you accidentally install a package globally instead of in virtual environment, you can find yourself in interesting debug situations. Luckily this can be easily fixed, restrictions to the rescue!
We can easily add a requirement that we are in a active virtualenv in order to use Pip. To install packages globally, can be enabled just as easily. Let’s create (if necessary) and edit .bashrc
in our home directory.
# Move to home directory
# If file does not exist, create with
touch ~/.bashrc
# Open .bashrc in editor
sublime ~/.bashrc
Add the following to .bashrc
and save it.
# pip should only run if there is a virtualenv currently activated
# cache pip-installed packages to avoid re-downloading
export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE=$HOME/.pip/cache
And to make things count in current session
. ~/.bash_profile
Now, when we want to install package to specific virtualenv, we need to be in that active virtualenv and run Pip. To activate virtualenv and install some stuff
# Go to directory containing the desired virtualenv
cd ~/Devs/Virtualenvs/demo
# Activate the environment
. bin/activate
# Install some cool packages (pelican and markdown)
pip install pelican markdown
When we want to install package globally, we use command syspip instead, outside any active virtualenv.
# If you are in active virtualenv, deactivate it before installation.
# Install some global package
syspip install markdown
Managing virtualenvs
As already described abowe, you can create new virtual environments with
# Lets go to correct directory
cd ~/Devs/Virtualenvs
virtualenv major-script-project
And to activate it
# Go to directory containing the desired virtualenv
cd ~/Devs/Virtualenvs/major-script-project
# Activate the environment
. bin/activate
To deactivate an environment
And to delete a virtual environment, simply deactivate it first, and then you can simply delete the appropriate directory (e.g. ~/Devs/Virtualenvs/major-script-project
Final thoughts
Setting up Python with Homebrew and using virtualenv and Pip takes a few steps to complete and some time to get familiar with. Once you get your head around it all, your life as a Python developer gets a lot of easier. By the way, with Homebrew you can install a lot more, than just Python, see Homebrew GitHub list.
By no means is this a complete or perfect development environment. As a first addition, I recommend using version control system, for example Git, which you can install via Homebrew, of course!