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27 excellent Podcasts

Published: | 4 min read

I love Podcasts. They are entertaining, educational, thought-provoking, and easy to consume, regardless of time and place.

I composed an exhaustive list of 27 different Podcasts which I like a lot. Each one of them is shortly described in their own words and categorized by me [since we all like order, right]. Here we go then:

Development, Technology & Open Source

Tyyppimuunnos [in Finnish]

Tyyppimuunnos on podcast teknologiasta, työstä ja sen tulevaisuudesta, yrittäjyydestä ja jatkuvasta kehittymisestä.

Talk Python To Me

Python conversations for passionate developers link

Podcast.__init__ - Python and the people who make it great

Python and the people who make it great link

Software Engineering Daily

Technical interviews about software topics. link


Talking linux, open source, web development and system administration (DevOps) link


Toolsday is a 20-ish-minute podcast about the latest in tech tools, tips, and tricks on Tuesdays at 2! (Our alliteration game is so strong). The podcast is brought to you by Chris Dhanaraj and Una Kravets.

Software Engineering Radio

Information for Software Developers and Architects link


Pragmatic is a discussion show contemplating the practical application of technology. Exploring the real world trade offs we look at how great ideas are transformed into products and services that can change our lives. Nothing is as simple as it seems.

Programming Throwdown

A new Programming Language every show! link

JavaScript Jabber

JavaScript Jabber is a weekly discussion about JavaScript, front-end development, community, careers, and frameworks.


Codebreaker, by Marketplace and Tech Insider

Developer On Fire

Developer On Fire with Dave Rael is an interview podcast with inspiring and successful software professionals telling personal stories about their experiences with delivering value. It is a chance for you to get to know your favorite geeks and learn more

Front End Happy Hour

A podcast featuring a panel of Software Engineers from Netflix, Evernote & LinkedIn talking over drinks about all things Front End development. link

The Big Web Show

The award winning Big Web Show features special guests and topics like web publishing, art direction, content strategy, typography, web technology, and more. It’s everything web that matters. Hosted by Jeffrey Zeldman.

The Changelog

We cover what’s fresh and new in open source. Sign up for our nightly and weekly emails. Open source moves fast. Keep up. Hosted by Adam Stacoviak & Jerod Santo. link

The Pi Podcast

The Pi Podcast is a show about the Raspberry Pi and other similar single board computers. It is hosted by Joe Ressington, Isaac Carter and Albert Hickey. We cover news and projects and speak to people who make things for and with the Raspberry Pi.

Data & Analytics

Data Stories

A podcast on data and how it affects our lives — with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner link

O’Reilly Data Show

Big data and data science interviews, insight, and analysis. link

Raw Data

The Raw Data podcast opens a conversation about how big data and networked technologies are changing communities, the economy, politics and human behavior.

Talking Machines

Human conversation about machine learning link


Boss Level Podcast

Boss Level is a podcast on people and organizations aiming for the boss level.

Markkinointi-podcast [in Finnish]

Suomi on ‘Ameriikkaa’ 30 vuotta jäljessä digitaalisessa markkinoinnissa. Tämän podcastin tarkoituksena on tuoda maailmalla toimineita digimarkkinoinnin ajatusmalleja ja taktiikoita Suomeen.


The a16z Podcast discusses trends, news, and the …


You Are Not So Smart

The central theme of You Are Not So Smart is that you are unaware of how unaware you are. There is an old-and-still-growing body of research across several disciplines with findings that suggest you have little idea why you act or think the way you do.

Jari Sarasvuo [in Finnish]

”Myy nokkelaa varmuuttasi, osta tilalle ihmetystä. Siinäpä hyvä neuvo. Haluan nähdä maailmaa muiden silmin: viisaamman, vähäisemmän, vahvemman. Haluan puhua itseäni oivallukseen, pullahtaa ymmärrykseen. Pyydän elämää rakastavia ja sivistystä etsiviä kulkemaan kanssani – oppaakseni edelleni, kaveriksi rinnalleni tai seuraamaan tilanteen mukaan.” link

Revisionist History

Because sometimes the past deserves a second chance link

The Tim Ferriss Show

Exploring Optimal Minimalism link

I could easily throw many of these to many other categories too, but since this is a static article and not an app [Hmm…], we shall stick to this classification for now at least.

My Podcast player of choice is the brilliant Overcast.

Oh, I almost forgot [well not really] - I was interviewed about Podcasts by one of the biggest newspapers in Finland, Savon Sanomat, on September 6th 2016. Here is the link to the online article (in Finnish)